Wednesday 18 January 2017


Bisque de ecrevisse

Portions- 4

S. no.         Ingredients                        Quantity

1                  Crayfish small (40 g each)    30 nos.

For mire poix

2                  Carrots                                   50 g

3                  Onions                                   50 g

4                  Butter                                     50 g

5                  Thyme                                   1 sprig

6                  Parsley                                  3 stalks

8                  Bay leaf                                    ½

9                  Brandy                                   1 tsp

10                white wine                              20 ml

 For thickening

12                Rice                                       60 g

13                White bouillon                       1.5 litre

 For finishing

15                Cream                                   10 ml

16                Butter                                     150 g

17                Salt & pepper                         To taste

18                Cayenne pepper                    2 g

19                Minced fish fillet                     50 gms

20                Salt & pepper                         A pinch

21                Egg- beaten                            1/4th

22                Refined flour                           5 g.


1. Cut carrots, onions, parsley stalks into small dices & cook to light brown colour in butter with thyme & bay leaf.

2. Wash the crayfish, remove tails and shell them carefully. Reserve the shelled tails for garnish.

3. Add the heads and the shells to the mire poix and then cook on fierce heat, until they turn red. Season with salt & pepper, sprinkle with the brandy and the wine and allow to cook gently and reduce. Add 25 ml white bouillon and cook gently for 10 mins.

4. Cook the rice with 75 ml white bouillon.

5. Take out some shelled tails for garnish.

6. Finally pound the remainder of the shells, add rice & its cooking liquid together with the cooking liquid from the crayfish.

7. Pass through a fine sieve and dilute this puree with 50 ml white bouillon. Bring to the boil, pass through fine strainer. Correct the consistency and the seasoning. Hold it hot in a bain-marie.

8. Finish the soup before serving with 150 g butter & 10 ml cream & add a little cayenne pepper.

9. Garnish: cut the reserved crayfish tails in dice and add to the soup.

10. Serve separately the crayfish tails stuffed with fish forcemeat and poached.



Dish Name   AVIAL

Recipe Category   KERALA

Qty Unit Description

0.2 KG Carrot

0.2 KG Runner beans

0.2 KG Raw banana

0.2 KG Drumstick

0.2 KG White pumpkin

0.15 KG Snake guard

0.03 KG Curry leaves

0.05 KG Turmeric powder

0.01 KG Salt

0.1 KG Coconut grated

0.05 KG Cumin

0.3 LT Coconut oil

0.02 KG Green chillies

0.03 KG Garlic

0.1 KG Shallots

0.2 KG Curd


Cut all the vegetables in batons.

Boil the vegetables in the minimum quantity of water with turmeric powder, salt and curry


While boiling the vegetables, cover the pan with banana leaves.

Make a coarse paste of cumin, garlic, green chillies, shallots and grated coconut.

Add the paste to the boiled vegetables and cook well.

Finish the vegetables with coconut oil and curd.

Wednesday 11 January 2017

KOSAMBARI (carrot lentil salad)

A very traditional, south Indian vegetarian side dish is kosambari. It is one of the items made on the festival day of Ram Navami.

No of portion-04


Moong dal 

Carrot grated 

 Green chillies

To taste

 Lemon juice

 Grated coconut



 Mustard seed


 Red chilli(broken)
5 g

 Curry leaves

Ø  Wash the moong daal in enough water and soak it for about 1-2 hours and drain the water completely.
Ø  Add the grated carrot, cut green chillies, lemon juice, coconut, salt and mix well.
Ø  Now prepare the seasoning (tadka) of oil, mustard seeds, curry leaves, red chillies, and asafoetida and pour this over the lentil, carrot mixture. Mix again.
Ø  This serves as a great accompaniment with rasam,sambhar and rice!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 10 January 2017


CRÈME DUBARRY r CREAM OF CAULIFLOWER is a soup that is creamy in texture and buttery in flavour .!.
It is an elegant beginning to any holiday menu !!!!
It is a soup that originated in France .
It was a common practice in ancient France to recognise royalty and other public figures with the names of new culinary inventions ...
This rich and creamy soup was named after Madame Jeanne Bécu a famous French beauty !!!!!
1.Cauliflower          500g
2.Onion                    30g
3.Leek                      30g
4.Milk                      800g
5.Refined flower     25g
6.Butter.                   30g
7.Salt and pepper   To taste
8.Cream                   50-60ml

* Wash and break cauliflower into flowerets .. Keep few aside for garnish
* Wash and slice leeks, peel and chop onions .
* Sauté cauliflower , leeks n onions in butter .
* Make thin bechamel with equal quantities of flower, butter and milk (ratio - 1:1:8-10)
   Add to cauliflower .
Alternative method :
* After sautéing veggies add vegetable or chicken stock or hot water (stock is preferable)
   Cook till cauliflower is tender.
* Add beurre maine (equal quantities of uncooked flour and butter) and let it thicken .
* Add milk ( remember milk should be added only after the cauliflower is cooked else the acid from      
   uncooked cauliflower will curdle the milk)
* Purée the mixture and pass through sieve to remove solid particles .
* Add seasoning, return to heat and bring it to a boil.
* Remove. Add cream . Serve hot. Garnish with flowerets of cauliflower boiled in salt water .

Wednesday 4 January 2017

An EXCITING learning experience to an INTERESTING Culinary Adaptation!!!!!!